Newsletters for Business Owners

A Business Plan Can Be Your Guide to Growth - If you're a current business owner, you probably feel like you're always working to close the next big deal, juggling financials, or responding to the latest crisis. Remember, however, that it's important to periodically climb out of the trees and take a good, hard look at the forest. A business plan can help you do just that: take stock of where you've been and lay the groundwork for where you're headed.

Business Succession Planning - When developing a succession plan for your business, you must make many decisions. Should you sell your business or give it away? Should you structure your plan to go into effect during your lifetime or at your death? Should you transfer your ownership interest to family members, co-owners, employees, or an outside party? The key is to pick the best plan for your circumstances and objectives, and to seek help from financial and legal advisors to carry out this plan.

Designing a Benefit Package for Your Small Business - If you're a small business owner, you face many challenges in growing your company. One of them is recruiting and retaining the best talent for your need.  When your primary goals are managing costs and increasing revenue, how do you sufficiently entice new recruits and reward current staff members for continually putting their best efforts forward? One way is ensuring that you provide a competitive, cost-effective benefit package comprised of both traditional and not-so-traditional benefits.

Family Business Succession Planning - As a business owner, you're going to have to decide when will be the right time to step out of the family business and how you'll do it. There are many estate planning tools you can use to transfer your business. Selecting the right one will depend on whether you plan to retire from the business or keep it until you die.

Retirement Plans for Small Businesses - If you're self-employed or own a small business and you haven't established a retirement savings plan, what are you waiting for? A retirement plan can help you and your employees save for the future.